I spent some time playing around with the  “I Write Like” website using various snippets from my writing.  Check out the results below.  Never realized how wide my range was or the company I kept.
Bowling Alley Scene (Chapter 2 of TP)
The Creepy Hospital (Chapter 10 of TP)
Meeting the Redheaded Girl at the bar (Chapter 11 of TP)
Breaking Up with the Redheaded Girl (Chapter 18 of TP)
“There Is No Time Travel” On Lost (Blog Post)
I Went With Some Friends To See Benji Hughes (Blog Post)
Paradox Lost (partial short story predating TP)
Finally, I pasted in a snippet from “Replay” by Ken Grimwood to see what happened, and got this:
(Ok, maybe that last part didn’t exactly happen…)