No, I’m not talking about the movie and series of books that are all the rage these days. This is about Rod Serling and his good old fashioned series The Twilight Zone. I recently discovered that video site Joost has streaming episodes of the show available for free online, which allowed me to remember this…
Author: LBDG
“Constant” Craving
Shortly after LOST aired Desmond’s time traveling adventures in “The Constant” I couldn’t wait for the Season 4 DVD to be released so I could hear the producer’s commentary on the episode. My wait ended yesterday courtesy of Netflix, and it didn’t disappoint. Below are some interesting excerpts, along with my own “commentary on the…
Ramblings I
In the spirit of the early years of the Pearl Jam Xmas Single, here are some tangentially on-topic thoughts not big enough for their own posts: I’ve been having recurring dreams (and/or daydreams) where M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel (aka She & Him) cover “Start Choppin’” by Dinosaur Jr., trading verses in an acoustic duet….
Shoppers’ Paradise
The Echo Park Time Travel Mart gave me a bit of inspiration. The Problem: Time travel is my favorite genre, but it’s almost always lumped together under the generic “Sci-Fi & Fantasy” category. That means when I’m seeking out new time travel entertainment fixes I have to resort to either very precise Googling or wading…
I’m a big fan of the TV show LOST. I’m also a bit of an Internet geek. So when they pulled these two concepts together in their nearly annual Alternate Reality Game (ARG) between seasons I was quite excited — especially when they hinted at more time travel in the video that kicked it off….
You’ve probably figured out by now that I’m a sucker for any and all time travel stories. Some might say I’m fascinated to the point of obsession, with those two magic words in the “genre” field giving me goosebumps and setting off impulse purchases. For the last few months I’ve been enjoying “The Trickshot,” an…
A Red Letter Date
I just realized the significance of today’s date. 53 years ago, Dr. Emmett Brown invented the flux capicitor — which is what makes time travel possible. More recently, in September of 1995 Carter USM released what would become their final single: Born On The 5th November. Coincidence? Well, probably… (Special thanks to this site where…
Local Boy’s Second Set
For awhile now I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to integrate some of Local Boy’s songs into these blog posts. Amazon links, Apple iMixes, and journals were used in the past. Recently I discovered a new service called 8tracks that seemed worth a try, especially considering that Local Boy’s first album…
Recent Praise
My favorite part about having Timely Persuasion out in the world is reading various reactions to it. A few weeks ago we talked about a negative review in a post that spawned a good dialogue with the reviewer in the comments. Now it’s time for the other side of the coin. Below are some excerpts…
The Story Behind The Story
As I’ve said before, I’m a better writer than I am a marketer. That’s not to say I’m necessarily a brilliant writer, just that one skill outshines the other. On the Timely Persuasion website, I periodically play around with “The Story” section at the top in an attempt to get the best mix of marketing…