Had a couple of recent questions about the font on the setlists in the paperback, which caused me to realize I never blogged about the origin of that in any detail. Could have sworn I did, but a quick scan of the archives proves otherwise. Here we go: Once upon a time a designer named…
Author: LBDG
All About The Benji Hughes
Every once in a great while a record comes around that just plain blows your mind. One that lands in heavy rotation, building up steam and momentum with each listen. You may like or even love other albums, but the magical ones like this are few and far between. Music so good you can’t stop…
Email of the Day
Game Show
Last weekend I was the guest contestant for the premiere episode of Coverville: Musically Challenged, the quiz show style spin-off to Brian Ibbott’s popular Coverville cover song podcast. We gave away copies of Timely Persuasion to lucky winners, did a brief interview, and then I was challenged with a special trivia category called “Everyday I…
Well, sort of. Â Brief mention in the comments to a Fark.com post about The Time Traveler’s Wife being turned into a TV show. Thanks, Hit-Enter-Too-Soon Man!
A few months back a friend of a friend emailed me a few questions about my publishing experience. Â I gave some honest answers and wished him luck. Â He later offered me a free copy in appreciation. When the book came in the mail, I was quite surprised and flattered to be mentioned in the acknowledgments….
Search Terms
Google Analytics rocks. I use it to keep track of traffic on all of the Timely Persuasion related sites, getting a decent heads up when the book is referenced on blogs, message boards, tweets, or elsewhere online. The most fascinating/interesting thing is looking at the search terms people enter that lead them to find the…
Random observation I had the other day: “F” is one heck of a consistently good letter in my iTunes library when sorted by Artist: Faces Faith No More Fats Waller The Feelies Feist Felix McTeigue The Fiery Furnaces Fine Young Cannibals (covering “Ever Fallen In Love” by the Buzzcocks) Fiona Apple Five Man Electrical Band…
Technical Difficulties
Seems my first try at posting the Quantum Leap fanfic story ran into a little bit of a technical snafu. iWeb was converting the text to an image, and the image was so large that some browsers were choking on it. I did some tweaking and now it should be showing up in good old…
Quantum Commentary
Finally got around to posting my 5th place entry from the fan fiction contest at Leap Back 2009 to the extras section of the main site. “Just Like Starting Over” It’s called “Just Like Starting Over” (you knew I’d go with a song title…) and serves as a bridge between the beginning and the end…