Search Terms

Google Analytics rocks.  I use it to keep track of traffic on all of the Timely Persuasion related sites, getting a decent heads up when the book is referenced on blogs, message boards, tweets, or elsewhere online.

The most fascinating/interesting thing is looking at the search terms people enter that lead them to find the book.  I don’t pretend to be an SEO expert.  I just find some of these to be quite amusing.

My all-time favorites are below:

what does a ink blot of a frog look like
(This one is so random it just makes me laugh.)

is 3rd person more persuasive in a novel than 1st person
(TP is first person all the way, though as I’ve said before I’ll explore third person more in my next book.)

bro & sis – livingroom tryst
(Whoever searched for this was probably disappointed to stumble across Timely Persuasion instead of what they were really looking for.)

dirty bowling team names
(This one I’m sort of proud of…)

help he-mmph
(Another one where I can’t really figure out what the expected result was, but I’m glad I was found because of it.)

what makes a tennis ball travel so far
(Probably something the narrator of TP would ask…)

guns n roses time travel
(Seems someone has the same ideas about Izzy Stradlin that I do…)

mike doughty guitar secret code
(A question I always had, answered here.)

persuasion speech on why jimi hendrix is the best of all time
(I love the Internet…)

slander the buddha
(Another random one that’s mildly amusing.)

old hungry charlie’s syracuse
(Glad to help out people searching for my old college stomping ground.)

novels similiar to “replay”
(This one’s an honor to be associated with.)

“hilarious online greeting cards”
(I guess this found my “someTPcards” blog post.)

movie with man who can travel in time who had lady hologram
(I don’t know what movie they’re talking about, but the actual search yields tons of cool stuff!)

writing a novel (the rules of prologues and epilogues)
(Rules are made to be broken.)

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